Halo 3 for Xbox is one of the most popular and most successful video games ever released. Within a month of its release, it had sold an amazing five million units with over 100,000 players using it on Xbox Live. Considering that there are, approximately, one million Xbox Live players worldwide, the figures are stunning; 9 out of 10 Xbox Live users were enjoying Halo 3 online when it first came out. The first installment of Halo was the flagship game for the Xbox when the console was initially released. The game's fast paced, super-realistic first-person shooting action rapidly drew many players to purchasing the new gaming system. By the time Halo 3 for Xbox was to be released in November 2011, players were lined up for blocks awaiting the numerous midnight release parties organized across the country.
- No longer limited by the space and equipment needed for large multi-player games, Halo 3 for Xbox gamers can now enjoy immense multi-player sessions with gamers across the world. This option is one of the primary reasons that the game is currently the top selling Xbox title ever released
- Aside from revamped sound and graphics, new landscapes, and improved gameplay, Halo 3 for Xbox finally allowed players to enjoy the game online through Xbox Live.
- We believe in helping the Xbox Live community grow by providing a location where gamers can communicate outside of the game. Players of Halo 3 for Xbox can create their own groups, find players with similar interests, or simply organize future games.
- Through our website, players can express their love of the game through their profiles, pictures, and our discussion forums.
"Xbox Discussions"
Players around the world love to have Xbox discussions, whether it's regarding a new game, the console itself, or the world of Xbox Live. At gamertagpics.com, we offer players the opportunity to communicate with one another and express themselves regarding the world of Xbox. Gamers can post pictures, profiles, and even have Xbox discussions on our forums, regardless of the topic.